Oh, Tongue, give sound to joy and sing Of hope and promise on dragonwing. |
Before them loomed Ruatha's Great Tower, the high walls of the Outer Court clearly visible in the fading light.
The claxon rang violent summons into the air, barely heard over the earsplitting thunder as hundreds of dragons appeared, ranging in full fighting array, wing upon wing, up and down the valley.
A shaft of light stained the flagstones of the Court as the Hold door opened.
Lessa ordered Ramoth down, close to the Tower, and dismounted, running eagerly forward to greet the men who piled out of the door. She made out the stocky figure of Lytol, a handbasket of glows held high above his head. She was so relieved to see him that she forgot her previous antagonism to the Warder.
"You misjudged the last jump by two days, Lessa," he cried as soon as he was near enough for her to hear him over the noise of settling dragons.
"Misjudged? How could I?" she breathed.
T'ron and Mardra came up beside her.
"No need to worry," Lytol reassured her, gripping her hands tightly in his, his eyes dancing. He was actually smiling at her. "You overshot the day. Go back between, return to Ruatha of two days ago. That's all." His grin widened at her confusion. "It is all right," he repeated, patting her hands. "Take this same hour, the Great Court, everything, but visualize F'lar, Robinton, and myself here on the flagstones. Place Mnementh on the Great Tower and a blue dragon on the verge. Now go."
Mnementh? Ramoth queried Lessa, eager to see her Weyrmate. She ducked her great head, and her huge eyes gleamed with scintillating fire.
"I don't understand," Lessa wailed. Mardra slipped a comforting arm around her shoulders.
"But I do, I do - trust me," Lytol pleaded, patting her shoulder awkwardly and glancing at T'ron for support. "It is as F'nor has said. You cannot be several places in time without experiencing great distress, and when you stopped twelve Turns back, it threw Lessa all to pieces."
"You know that?" T'ron cried.
"Of course. Just go back two days. You see, I know you have. I shall, of course, be surprised then, but now, tonight, I know you reappeared two days earlier. Oh, go. Don't argue. F'lar was half out of his mind with worry for you."
"He'll shake me," Lessa cried, like a little girl. "Lessa!" T'ron took her by the hand and led her back to Ramoth, who crouched so her rider could mount.
T'ron took complete charge and had his Fidranth pass the order to return to the references Lytol had given, adding by way of Ramoth a description of the humans and Mnementh.
The cold of between restored Lessa to herself, although her error had badly jarred her confidence. But then there was Ruatha again. The dragons happily arranged themselves in tremendous display. And there, silhouetted against the light from the Hall, stood Lytol, Robinton's tall figure, and ... F'lar.
Mnementh's voice gave a brassy welcome, and Ramoth could not land Lessa quickly enough to go and twine necks with her mate.
Lessa stood where Ramoth had left her, unable to move. She was aware that Mardra and T'ron were beside her. She was conscious only of F'lar, racing across the Court toward her. Yet she could not move.
He grabbed her in his arms, holding her so tightly to him that she could not doubt the joy of his welcome.
"Lessa, Lessa," his voice raggedly chanted in her ear. He pressed her face against his, crushing her to breathlessness, all his careful detachment abandoned. He kissed her, hugged her, held her, and then kissed her with rough urgency again. Then he suddenly set her on her feet and gripped her shoulders. "Lessa, if you ever ..."he said, punctuating each word with a flexing of his fingers, then stopped, aware of a grinning circle of strangers surrounding them.
"I told you he'd shake me," Lessa was saying, dashing tears from her face. "But, F'lar, I brought them all ... all but Benden Weyr. And that is why the five Weyrs were abandoned. I brought them."
F'lar looked around him, looked beyond the leaders to the masses of dragons settling in the Valley, on the heights, everywhere he turned. There were dragons, blue, green, bronze, brown, and a whole wingful of golden queen dragons alone.
"You brought the Weyrs?" he echoed, stunned.
"Yes, this is Mardra and T'ron of Fort Weyr, D'ram and..."
He stopped her with a little shake, pulling her to his side so he could see and greet the newcomers.
"I am more grateful than you can know," he said and could not go on with all the many words he wanted to add.
T'ron stepped forward, holding out his hand, which F'lar seized and held firmly.
"We bring eighteen hundred dragons, seventeen queens, and all that is necessary to implement our Weyrs."
"And they brought flamethrowers, too," Lessa put in excitedly.
"But—to come ... to attempt it ..." F'lar murmured in admiring wonder.
T'ron and D'ram and the others laughed. "Your Lessa showed the way..."
"... with the Red Star to guide us..." she said.
"We are dragonmen," T'ron continued solemnly, "as you are yourself, F'lar of Benden. We were told there are Threads here to fight, and that's work for dragonmen to do... in any time!"